Healing from
Trauma & PTSD

Experiencing trauma can leave a lasting imprint on your mental and emotional well-being. At WPC, our trauma therapy in Monmouth County, NJ, and online, is dedicated to helping women navigate and heal from deep-seated trauma and PTSD, guiding them toward reclaiming their lives and building resilience for the future.

Choose Your Starting Point

Free Consultation

Request a free 20-minute phone consultation with our Clinical Director by calling our office or requesting an appointment online. This initial conversation is an opportunity for you to ask questions, determine if therapy is right for you, and ensure we’re the best fit for your needs. 

First Appointment

Schedule a thorough intake session with any of our therapists where we delve into your unique challenges and set the groundwork for effective treatment. We value the right fit—so if you decide, within 24 hours post-session, that our approach isn’t for you, there’s no charge.

Start Growing With Us

With our therapists’ deep expertise in diverse therapeutic modalities and specialization in areas related to women’s mental health, we craft a therapy experience uniquely for you. We’re here to help you grow, evolve, and overcome the challenges that come your way.

Helping You to Unpack the Complexities of Trauma & PTSD

Traumatic experiences can leave deep imprints on our psyche, often resurfacing as PTSD. At the Women’s Psychotherapy Center, we delve into the intricate layers of emotions that arise from trauma. Using a trauma-informed approach, our goal is to provide a sanctuary for every woman grappling with lingering memories, flashbacks, nightmares, or unexpected triggers. 

Here, you’re not alone in your journey. Our expert therapists are dedicated to helping you reclaim your narrative, find strength in vulnerability, and build a future grounded in hope and healing.

An Overview of Women’s Therapy for Trauma & PTSD in Monmouth County, NJ

Trauma, whether recent or from the distant past, can profoundly impact your daily life and well-being. At WPC, we guide women on a healing journey, leveraging specialized therapeutic interventions for trauma’s multifaceted challenges.

Trauma-Informed Approach

Every therapy session is rooted in understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma, ensuring a safe and nurturing space.

Interpersonal Trauma

We help by addressing the psychological aftermath of harmful relationships, whether familial, romantic, or otherwise, to rebuild trust and self-worth.

Sexual Trauma

Our therapists offer compassionate guidance for survivors of sexual assault or abuse, empowering them to reclaim their voice and body.

Childhood Trauma

Delving deep into past wounds from one’s formative years, we help women process, heal, and build resilience from abuse and traumatic experiences in childhood. 

PTSD Treatment

We utilize evidence-based strategies to help women process traumatic memories, alleviate recurring distress, and regain control over their lives.

Trauma Modalities

We leverage a suite of evidence-based therapeutic approaches to help women heal from trauma and PTSD, including CBT, CPT, EMDR, and more. 

Helping Women Grow:
The Benefits of Partnering With WPC

Trauma-Informed Approach 

Our team adopts a trauma-informed lens, valuing and acknowledging every woman’s distinct life experiences within the therapeutic setting.

Individualized Treatment Paths 

With a wide range of psychotherapy modalities in our therapeutic toolkits, we completely tailor your care to your unique experiences, goals, and needs. 

Secure Online

Access expert therapy services without taking the drive to Monmouth County. With teletherapy, you can access care when and where it’s most convenient. 


Our specialization lies in addressing the many facets of women’s health through every stage – from adolescence to pregnancy and beyond. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Trauma refers to a disturbing or life-threatening event that one has experienced, witnessed, or learned about that results in emotional distress. It can encompass a wide range of events from accidents to abuse. PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, on the other hand, is a diagnosable mental health condition that some individuals develop after exposure to trauma. It’s characterized by symptoms such as recurrent distressing memories, avoidance of reminders, and increased arousal reactions like difficulty sleeping or irritability.

Not everyone who experiences trauma will develop PTSD. However, even without a PTSD diagnosis, if a past traumatic experience is bothersome to you or impacting your life or relationships in any way, therapy can help resolve any lingering emotional discomfort.

Recognizing the need for trauma therapy is the first crucial step toward healing. If you consistently relive traumatic events, experience nightmares, avoid places or people that remind you of the trauma, or feel a persistent sense of danger, it may be time to seek professional help. Furthermore, feelings of detachment, pervasive sadness, or heightened states of anxiety are indicators that trauma has affected your well-being. Specialized trauma therapy can offer strategies to cope, heal, and regain control.

While traumatic events often conjure images of catastrophic incidents, trauma itself can originate from a myriad of experiences, many of which might seem “ordinary” or “commonplace.” Emotional abuse or neglect, witnessing violence, or enduring prolonged periods of stress can be just as traumatic as more dramatic events. It’s essential to recognize that trauma is subjective, and its impact varies from person to person. Therapy offers a personalized approach to healing, regardless of the trauma’s origin.

Our approach at WPC recognizes the unique needs of each individual facing trauma. We employ several evidence-based modalities, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to reshape patterns of thinking and behavior, Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) which focuses on understanding and processing traumatic events, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) which targets the reprocessing of traumatic memories to reduce their emotional charge.

Therapy’s duration is genuinely individual and influenced by factors like the trauma’s nature, the client’s specific goals, and the presence of any coexisting conditions. Some individuals benefit from short-term interventions, while others prefer a more extended period to fully process and heal. At WPC, we prioritize regular reflection and open dialogue to ensure the therapy remains aligned with each individual’s needs and progress.

Absolutely. At WPC, we deeply value the trust you place in us. Your safety, both emotional and psychological, is our priority. Every detail you share, every memory you recount, is held in the strictest confidence, adhering to professional ethics and guidelines. This confidentiality ensures a secure space where you can freely express, explore, and heal.